virqinf. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

all this is not my desire

>> Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

What wrong if the sun dark as night?

What wrong if the earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours?

whether any nature that all live in pairs?

then what is wrong if God blessed love?

what if all this out demonstrate my power through?

and not me who want to feel that feeling.

God who set all of them, friends

I pleaded not

sorry if my feelings and behavior for him to hurt you.
if I can
I will not want to feel this

then whether to oppose his nature?
God's power should I blame?

I just creatures, friends
please do not discuss my feelings
as if that bothers you,

all is not my power.

oh, please do not judge like that

*versi google translate

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